COVID-19 Update & Tips

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COVID-19 Update & Tips

Managing COVID-19 Stress

Take a break from the news

Take care of your body.

Take time to unwind.

Connect with others

This situation may be overwhelming…

As we all return indoors with the changing weather, it’s important that we also return to the strong hygiene habits that we developed early on in the COVID-19 pandemic. High-risk community members, front-line medical providers, and struggling businesses are counting on us all. Let’s get tested, pitch-in, and stay healthy….

If you would like to be tested for COVID-19, you can now do so in Maine whether or not you are exhibiting symptoms. Our Presque Isle testing site is at Northern Light A.R. Gould Hospital. I am told the test is less intrusive than the earlier tests. Call them for info at: (207) 973-7000.

Reach out to me if you or another needs help accessing curbside pickup or deliveries of groceries, supplies or prescriptions. I will help set you up with a community volunteer that can run errands for you. I can also help you find the right agency supports. My number is: (207) 227-7388. Please also contact me if you are willing to pitch-in.

Many of us recall how stressful the “quaren-times” were so please be proactive for yourself and your family. Please seek physical activities, virtual enrichment, and safe socializing. Your mental health is just as vital as your physical health.

These commonsense hygiene habits promise to prevent unabated spread:

-> Wear a mask in public
-> Avoid gathering in large crowds, especially indoors
-> Keep physically distant (six feet) from others
-> Wipe down high touch surfaces with disinfectant often
-> Wash hands thoroughly often
-> Carry hand sanitizer
-> Use curbside pickup to do your shopping
-> Keep stocked with two weeks of essentials
-> Always act in the best interest of yourself and others

More advice can be found at the World Health Organization (WHO) website:

Or the Maine CDC website: